Dr. Ralph S. DaCosta
https://dacostalab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/dacosta-profilephotos_0001_DaCostaR_DSC5139_grey.jpg.jpg 600 750 DaCosta Lab DaCosta Lab https://dacostalab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/dacosta-profilephotos_0001_DaCostaR_DSC5139_grey.jpg.jpgSenior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Faculty, Techna Institute for the Advancement of Technology for Health (Techna) Member, Radiation Medicine Program Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medical Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, UofT Cancer Care Ontario Research Chair in Cancer Imaging (2009) UHN Inventor of the Year (2014) Biography Research Interests Key Publications Biography I am a Principal Investigator in the Department of Medical Biophysics. I have extensive training and experience in translationally-driven research focused on advanced, optically-enabled imaging technologies for basic and clinical research. The major focus of my lab is the development and application of next-generation multimodal imaging and molecular…
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