Welcome new cancer research technician III!
https://dacostalab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Michael-Edson-e1717555826374-813x1030.jpeg 813 1030 DaCosta Lab DaCosta Lab https://dacostalab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Michael-Edson-e1717555826374-813x1030.jpegWe would like to welcome a new research technician to our lab: Michael Edson, MSc., Research Technician III The DaCosta lab is thrilled to have Michael Edson join us in 2022. Michael is an experienced and talented researcher who will help to manage all wet lab operations and preclinical projects. Michael earned a MSc in Pathobiology from the University of Guelph for his thesis topic on the evaluation of plasma microRNAs in canine osteosarcoma patients. He has 7 years of experience in research, developing his skills in wet-lab techniques such as PCR, aseptic cell culture, western blotting, light and confocal…
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