
Engineering Functional Microvessels in Synthetic Polyurethane Random-Pore Scaffolds by Harnessing Perfusion Flow
1030 1019 DaCosta Lab

Wright ME, Yu JK, Jain D, Maeda A, Yeh SA, DaCosta R, Lin CP, Santerre JS; Biomaterials. 2020 Jun 23;256:120183
doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.120183. Online ahead of print.

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Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging with Aminolevulinic Acid Detects Grossly Occult Breast Cancer: a Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial (Conference Presentation)
838 680 DaCosta Lab

Ottolino-Perry K, Shahid A, DeLuca S, Son V, Liu Z, Rapic S, Thalanki Anantha NWang S, Chamma E, Blackmore K, Gibson C, Medeiros PJ, Majeed S, Chu A, Pizzolato A, Rosen CF, Lindvere-Teene L, Dunham D, Kulbatski I, Panzarella T, Done SJ, Easson AM, Leong WL, DaCosta RS; Proc. SPIE 11070, 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress, 110701Y (14 August 2019)


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Intravital Imaging for Tracking of Angiogenesis and Cellular Events Around Surgical Bone Implants
1030 780 DaCosta Lab

Khosravi N, Mendes VC, Nirmal G, Majeed S, DaCosta R, Davies J; Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2018 Nov;24(11):617-627
doi: 10.1089/ten.TEC.2018.0252

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Improved Detection of Clinically Relevant Wound Bacteria Using Autofluorescence Image-Guided Sampling in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
628 404 DaCosta Lab

Ottolino-Perry K, Chamma E, Blackmore KM, Lindvere-Teene L, Starr D, Tapang K, Rosen CF, Pitcher B, Panzarella T, Linden R, DaCosta RS; Int Wound J. 2017 Oct;14(5):833-841
doi: 10.1111/iwj.12717

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In Vivo Imaging Reveals Significant Tumor Vascular Dysfunction and Increased Tumor Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α Expression Induced by High Single-Dose Irradiation in a Pancreatic Tumor Model
656 639 DaCosta Lab

Maeda A, Chen Y, Bu J, Mujcic H, Wouters BG, DaCosta RS; Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017 Jan 1;97(1):184-194
doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2016.09.005

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Point-of-Care Autofluorescence Imaging for Real-Time Sampling and Treatment Guidance of Bioburden in Chronic Wounds: First-in-Human Results
787 1030 DaCosta Lab

DaCosta RS, Kulbatski I, Lindvere-Teene L, Starr D, Blackmore K, Silver JI, Opoku J, Wu YC, Medeiros PJ, Xu W, Xu L, Wilson BC, Rosen C, Linden R; PLoS ONE 10(3): e0116623

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Integrated Biophotonics in Endoscopic Oncology
150 150 DaCosta Lab

Muguruma N, DaCosta RS, Wilson BC, Marcon NE; Integrated biophotonics in endoscopic oncology, Proc. SPIE 7170, Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies II, 71700B (24 February 2009)

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