Lyndsey De Guzman, who is pursuing her Master’s degree in the DaCosta Lab, won 2 awards as part of the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC).
The first award was the ORT Conference Participation Award. The Office of Research Trainees (ORT) provides a limited number of conference participation awards that enabled graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to participate in national and international conferences and share their research in oral and/or poster presentations. The objective of the ORT Conference Participation Award is “to advance research, enable knowledge translation and contribute to the career development of UHN research trainees and postdocs.”
The second award was the School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant. The SGS Conference Grant provides financial support “to encourage students to actively present their research at an academic conference during the early stages of their graduate studies.”
As a result of these awards, Lyndsey was given the opportunity to travel to Prague, Czech Republic, and present her research at the WMIC on September 5-9th, 2023. At this annual congress, Lyndsey presented her study findings to a global audience, engaged in thought-provoking discussions on ground-breaking research, participated in networking with fellow experts, and gained valuable insights into the latest advancements in molecular imaging.
Congratulations, Lyndsey! We look forward to seeing you attain more awards in the future that will give you the opportunity to share your latest research findings and your ideas with fellow researchers.